HHR Updates
2022-09-09 00:00:00
HHR Lawyers is Ranked in Various Practice Areas and Leading Lawyers Categories by IFLR1000 2022
All rankings of the IFLR1000 2022 - 32nd edition for Indonesia jurisdiction are now launched, and HHR Lawyers have been ranked in various practice areas and leading lawyers categories. We are thrilled to summarize the rankings that we have received from IFLR1000 this year as below:
- "Recommended Firm" in Banking
- "Recommended Firm" in Capital Markets: Debt
- "Recommended Firm" in Capital Markets: Equity
- "Recommended Firm" in M&A
- "Recommended Firm" in Restructuring & Insolvency
- "Other Notable Firm" in Project Development
- Pheo M. Hutabarat (Senior Partner) as "Highly Regarded"
- Rosna Chung (Senior Partner) as "Highly Regarded"
IFLR1000 undertakes qualitative research into law firms and lawyers to inform the publication of annual rankings, ratings and awards, and editorial content. It has been producing legal market intelligence since 1990 and remains the only international legal market research brand focused on ranking law firms and lawyers on the basis of financial and corporate transactional work.