HHR Updates
2021-06-21 00:00:00
Pheo M. Hutabarat Named to Indonesia's Top 100 Lawyers 2021 by The A-List Asia Business Law Journal
HHR Lawyers proudly announce that Pheo M. Hutabarat, our Senior Partner, named to Indonesia's Top 100 Lawyers 2021 by The A-List Asia Business Law Journal. He is continuing his remarkable accomplishments in the same list from previous years.
The A-List is based on extensive research conducted by Asia Business Law Journal where they included thousands of in-house counsel in Indonesia and around the world – as well as partners at international law firms – and asked them which lawyers should make the cut, and why. Nominations were made by professionals at a wide range of Indonesian and global companies, financial institutions and law firms.
Visit the link to see the list: https://bit.ly/3zISobm